Catalonia Working Group on Central Banks

Welcome to the first space dedicated to discussing, studying and disseminating information on the role of a future central bank of Catalonia in promoting the economic growth of an independent state Catalonia.



The role of Barcelona as a driving force behind Europe's first public bank

The Catalonia Working Group on Central Banks (CACEB) wants to equip Catalonia with a unique perspective on the workings of a central bank through publications and activities that foster knowledge on the topic. The CACEB wants to connect with a long tradition that begins in the Barcelona of the XV century with the ’Taula de Canvi’ [Table of Exchange]. The ’Taula’, considered by many to be one of the first public banks in Europe and located in the Llotja de Mar, had the function of regulating credit and monetary policy in order to offer the security and guarantees that private banks could not.

Read the manifesto

Make a donation to CACEB

At CACEB, we get our funding through private donations in an effort to maintain independence and fidelity to the foundational principles of the working group. We receive no direct or indirect public funding of any kind. Make your donation to help foster a uniquely Catalan point of view on the future central bank of Catalonia beyond the scope of the existing public bodies.

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